I think it turned out great! It takes up the whole wall and gives me so much space to work on.

There is also a picture of my grandma, she's my sewing mentor.
Turning to the left you have my bookcase and cutting table. The bookcase is from my childhood bedroom and the cutting table was a freebie from a co-worker! Win-win!
Look under the desk, see that sweet little bed? Dutch comes and keeps me company most of the time I'm in here.
The white chair you see at the end of the table was in the clearance section at Walmart last year. It wasn't marked, but when I took it to the price check station to check the price, it was $3.00! $3.00! I had to have it.
Here's an up close of my bookcase. This will hopefully change soon. I am thinking of following this tutorial and put all my fabric in the bookshelf. I think it would look so pretty all lined up on the shelf as little mini bolts.
I love having my ribbon in the big glass jars at the top and my buttons and zippers in glass mason jars. I love to see my notions.
You also see I have a vast collection of books, I love sewing books.
On the top shelf is my W.I.P basket (Work In Progress). That basket needs to be emptied...
And of course, my Cricut which I love!!!
This picture was taken as I was standing in the doorway. My desk is to the right.
You can see my giant cutting mat on the table (green of course) and the pegboard Daddy made above it. On the pegboard I hang all my quilt rulers and scissors. Very convenient.
I also hung a clock and small white board to keep notes on orders that I have to do and things I need to buy.
I love my Keep Calm print but I am still looking for a better frame...
That's my sewing space! I hope you love it, I know I do!
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